VORWAHL.FAQ.html Letzte Änderungen: 20.01.2020


Früher war alles klar: Ausland ist Ausland, alle Verbindungen in ein

bestimmtes Land kosten das gleiche, egal ob zu Festnetz oder zu Mobilfunk


Seit einiger Zeit ist das nicht mehr der Fall.

Da wäre es gut zu Wissen, welche Rufnummer zum Mobilfunk führt.

Die Nummernpläne ändern sich ständig.

Tarifauskünfte gibt diese Tabelle jedoch *nicht*!

Sichere Aussagen, welche nationale Mobilfunkgesellschaft erreicht wird,

sind wegen der Rufnummernportabilität (Mitnahme der Rufnummer) auch *nicht*

mehr möglich!



- Der Text ist teilweise in englisch.

- Die Liste ist *unvollständig* und teilweise fehlerhaft !


Ergänzungen, Korrekturen willkommen!



[6D] = 6 digits (Rufnummer ist sechsstellig)

[7D] = 7 digits (Rufnummer ist siebenstellig)

[8D] = 8 digits (Rufnummer ist achtstellig)

NP = Rufnummernportabilität (Mitnahme zu anderem Netzbetreiber)


[..] ehemaliges Netz, offline.

(..) Rufnummern reserviert, unbenutzt


GSM  Global Standard for mobile Communications (Digital)

NMT  Nordic Mobile Phone (analog)




Reihenfolge nach Ländername



Land            Netzbetreiber      Landes-      Vorwahl(en) des Mobil-Netzes



Andorra         STA                +376         3

Aserbaidschan   Azercell           +994         50

Australien      Optus              +61          401, 402, 403, 411, 412, 413

                                                421, 422, 423,

                                                431, 432, 433, 434, 435

                Telstra            +61          400, 407, 408, 409

                                                417, 418, 419, 427, 428, 429

                                                437, 438, 439

                Vodafone Pty Ltd   +61          404, 405, 406, 414, 415, 416

                                                420, 424

                                               (4201 = Globalstart)

                One.Tel (offline)               448

                "3" (Three.au)                  430, 433

                Orange (CDMA)                   425

Bahrain         Batelco            +973         96, 94

Belgien         Belgacom Mobile    +32          475, 476, 477, 478, 479

                Mobistar           +32          494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499

                Base (ex Orange)   +32          484, 485, 486

Bosnien-Herzeg. PTT Bosnia GSM-BiH +387         61 (former 66)

                Eronet d.d.        +387         63

                Mobilna Srpske     +387         65

Bulgarien       MobilTel           +359         886, 887, 888, 889

                GloBul             +359         98, 99


China (People's Republic)

                China Unicom (GSM) +86          130, 131, 132

                China Unicom (CDMA)             133

                China Mobile (GSM)              134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139


Dänemark                          +45          (NP)

                Dansk Mobil Telefon             208, 209, 405, 406, 407,

                                                408, 409

                Tele Danmark Mobil              401, 402, 403, 404, 201, 202

                                                203, 204, 205, 21

                allgemein          +45          2, 30, 31 (ausser 311)

                                   +45          40, 41, 50, 51, 60, 61


Deutschland                         +49         15..,16.., 17... (NP)

               [T-Mobil C-Netz (analog)]       [161, offline 31.12.2000]

                Telekom (T-Mobile, D1)          151,160,170,171,175

                Vodafone (D2, D2-Privat)        152x,162,172,173,174

                Lycamobile                      1521

                Truphone                        1529

                ex E-Plus - jetzt o2            157x,163,177,178

                Sipgate/Simquadrat              1579

                o2 de (ex VIAG Interkom)        159,176,179 NP

               [Auditorium / E-Plus]           [war 155x - niemals genutzt]  

               [Quam/Group3G]                  [war 1505 offline 15.11.2002]

               [Mobilcom-Multimedia]           [war 1566 offline 02.12.2002]

                vistream (MVNO)                [war 1570 offline 01.07.2014]

                ring.de (MVNO)                 [war 1575 offline 01.07.2014 - jetzt o2 Telefonica]

                Satellite (virtual SIM)         15678

                weitere neue Anbieter           15x (unklar, ob alle aktiv und erreichbar)


Estland         EMT                +372         50,51, 53

                Radiolinja Eesti   +372         56

                Ritabell           +372         55


Finnland        Radiolinja         +358         50, 46

                Telecom Finland    +358         40

Frankreich    all mobile phones    +33          6 (NP), 7 (NP)

              Orange(FT,Itineris)  +33          689, 607, 608, 604, 680,

                                                681, 685

              SFR                  +33          609, 603, 611, 618, 612, 614

              Bouygues             +33          66.

                                   +33          7  (offen seit 2010)

Georgien        Geosell            +995         77

Gibraltar       Gibtel             +350         57, 58

Griechenland    all mobile phones  +30          6.. (seit Jan 2003)

                Vodafone (Panafon) +30          694

                STET Hellas        +30          693

                cosmOTE            +30          6..


Grossbritannien all mobile phones  +44          7... (NP)

         o2 UK (ex BT Cellnet)     +44          7401, 7402, 7403,

                                                7410, 7411,

                                                7585, 7589,

                                                7701, 7702, 7710, 7711, 7712,

                                                7713, 7714, 7715, 7718, 7719,

                                                7720, 7729, 7730, 7731, 7732,

                                                7734, 7736, 7740, 7750, 7751,

                                                7752, 7753, 7754, 7759, 7761,

                                                7762, 7763, 7764,

                                                7801, 7802, 7803, 7808, 7809,

                                                7850, 7860, 7885, 7889


         Vodafone UK               +44          7074 (?)

                                                7370, 7374, 7378,

                                                7441, 7467, 7468,

                                                7421, 7498,

                                                7721, 7733, 7741, 7742, 7743,

                                                7744, 7746, 7747, 7748,

                                                7760, 7765, 7767, 7768, 7769,

                                                7770, 7771, 7774, 7775, 7776,

                                                7778, 7780, 7785, 7786, 7788,

                                                7789, 7796, 7798, 07799

                                                7810, 7818,

                                                7831, 7833, 7835, 7836, 7867,

                                                7876, 7879, 7880, 7881, 7884,

                                                7887, 7899

                                                7900, 7901, 7909, 7979, 7990


         Orange UK                 +44          7773, 7779, 7790, 7791, 7792

                                                7800, 7811, 7812, 7813, 7814,

                                                7815, 7816, 7817, 7855, 7866,

                                                7870, 7890

                                                7929, 7966, 7967, 7968, 7970,

                                                7971, 7973, 7974, 7976, 7977,

                                                7980, 7989


         T-Mobile UK (ex one2one)  +44          7903, 7904, 7905, 7930, 7931,

                  mit virgin, fresh etc         7932, 7939, 7940, 7941, 7944,

                                                7946, 7947, 7949, 7950, 7951,

                                                7952, 7953, 7956, 7957, 7958,

                                                7959, 7960, 7961, 7962, 7984,

                                                7985, 7986, 7987


         Hutchinson 3:             +44          7782


Guernsey (GB)    Guernsey Telecom  +44          7781..

Isle of Man (GB) Manx Telecom      +44          7624..

Jersey (GB)      Jersey Telecom    +44          7797..




Hong Kong        SmarTone          +852         901, 913, 917, 938,

                                                943, 945, 924

                 HKTCSL            +852         902, 903, 909, 946,

                                                919, 910, 940, 926

                 Hutchison Telephone +852       949, 947, 948, 949,

                                                904, 912

Indien          Usha Martin        +91          9830

Indonesien      Excelcom           +62          818

                Satelindo          +62          816

                Telkomsel          +62          811

Irland          Eircell            +353         87

                Esat Digifone      +353         86

Island          Postur og simi     +354         89

Italien         mobile generell    +39          3..

                Omnitel Pronto Italia   +39     347, 348, 349

                Telecom Italia Mobile   +39     335, 338, 339

                WIND                    +39     3..

Jordanien       Fastlink           +962         79, 77(?)

Jugoslawien --> Serbien

Kanada          Mocrocell          +1           51499, 418613, 819, 416,

                                                905, 604

Katar           Q-Tel              +974         01, 5


Kosovo                             +381         69   Kosovo Mobile


Kroatien        T-Mobile.hr (HTM ) +385         98

                VIPnet                          99

Kuwait          MTC                +965         96, 97

La R‚union      SRR                +262         85

Lettland        LMT                +247         92

Libanon         FTML               +961         34

                LibanCell          +961         39

Liechtenstein   FL1                +423         7, 664

                Mobilkom           +423         7

                Montel             +423         7

Litauen                            +370         6 mobile numbers (new!)

                Bitel              +370         681xxxxx, 685, 689, 699 (former 81xxxxx)

                Omnitel            +370         682xxxxx, 686, 687, 688, 698 (former 82xxxxx)

Luxemburg       P&T Luxembourg     +352         621 (ex 021)

                Umstellung März 2007           628 (ex 028)

                                                661 (ex 061)

                                                668 (ex 068)

                                                691 (ex 091)

                                                698 (ex 098)

Makedonien      PTT Makedonia      +389         70

Malaysia        Maxis              +60          12

Malta           Telecell           +356         94

Marokko         ONPT               +212         100

Mauritius       CellPlus           +230         25


Montenegro      ProMonte           +381         69



Monaco          Monaco Telecom     +377         50

Namibia         MTC                +264         81

Neuseeland      BellSouth          +64          21

Niederlande     Vodafone nl        +31          654, 655


                KPN mobile         +31          653, 651

                (PTT Telecom)

                T-mobile nl        +31          624

                (BEN Nederland)

Norwegen        NetCom GSM         +47          920, 93

                Telenor Mobil AS   +47          900, 90, 91, 95

                Mobilfunk generell +47          9...

                neu                +47          4...

                                      Nicht +4742, +4743, +4744 +4749 ! (NP)


Österreich     mobilkom "D-Netz"  +43         [663](ETACS offline)

                    "      A1      +43          664 (GSM900/1800 /WCDMA2100) NP

                Tele.Ring(T-Mobile +43          650 (GSM1800/WCDMA 2100)    NP

                T-Mobile A (max)   +43          676 (GSM900/1800/WCDMA2100) NP

                Drei (One/Connect) +43          699 (GSM1800/WCDMA2100) NP

                Drei (3)           +43          660 (WCDMA 2100) NP


Paraguay        VOX                +595         961 (GSM1900)

                Personal           +595         971 (GSM 850/1900) (war TDMA)

                Tigo (ex Telecel)  +595         981 (GSM 850) (war analog)

                Claro (exPorthable)+595         991 (GSM1900)


Philippinen     Globe Telekom      +63          916, 917, 926, 927

                Islacom            +63          915

Polen           Plus GSM(Polkomtel)+48          601, 603, 605, 607, 609,

                                                661, 663, 665, 667, 669

                                                691, 693, 695, 697, 699


                                                781-785, 789

                                                885, 887  


                PTC Era            +48          532

                                                600, 602, 604, 606, 608,

                                                660, 662, 664, 666, 668

                                                692, 694, 696, 698

                                                728, 784, 787, 788, 795

                                                880, 881, 882, 884, 886, 888, 889


P4 Playmobile                      +48          530, 531, 533, 535

                                                790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 796, 799



                Centertel (Orange, Idea) +48    50x, 51x


                                                780, 786, 797, 798



                                   +48          7 ?

Portugal        Telecel            +351         931

                TMN                +351         936


Rumänien       Vodafone            +40         72   7stellig

                Orange              +40         74   7stellig

                Cosmote             +40         76   7stellig   

                Zapp (CDMA-Netz)    +40         78   7stellig



  Moskau        MTS                 +7          095?,096?, 495

  St. Petersb.  North West GSM      +7          81296

Schweden        Comviq GSM         +46          707

                Vodafone SE        +46          708, 709


                Telia Sonera       +46          705, 706

                (Telia) Mobitel

                mobil (MNP)        +46          72, 73, 76


Schweiz         Swisscom           +41          75, 79 (MNP)

                Sunrise (diAx)     +41          76 (MNP)

                Sunrise (in&Phone) +41          77 (MNP)

                Salt (Orange       +41          78 (MNP)

                Natel D (Swisscom) +41         [89] changed to 79


Serbien(Srpska) Mobtel             +381         63


Singapur        MobileLink         +65         

Slowakei        EuroTel (T-Mobile) +421         903

                Orange (Globtel)   +421         905

                o2-SK              +421         913

Slowenien       SI Mobil           +386         40

                SI Mobitel         +386         31, 41, 51

                SI VEGA            +386         609

Spanien         Vodafone.es        +34          607, 670, 678


                Telefonica         +34          609, 619, 629, 639, 669

                Amena              +34          6..

Sri Lanka       MTN                +94          77

Südafrika      MTN                +27          83

                Vodacom            +27          82

Taiwan          Chungwa Telecom    +886         910, 911, 912, 919, 921, 928,

                                                932, 933, 934, 937, 963, 972,


Thailand        AIS, DTAC,

                Orange, Hutchison               +66  1, 18, 5,6,7,8,9

                                                     Zuordnung schwierig


Tschechien      Eurotel            +420         602

                RadioMobil         +420         603, 605

                Oskar              +420         6..


Tunesien        Tunicel            +216         93, 98

                Orascom Tunisiana  +216         22


Tuerkei         Telsim             +90          542, 543, 544, 546

                Turkcell           +90          532, 533, 535, 536

                Aria               +90          555

                Aycell             +90          505


Ukraine         UMC                +380         50


Ungarn          Pannon GSM         +36          20 7stellig

                T-Mobile hu        +36          30 7stellig

                Vodafone hu        +36          70 7stellig


USA             T-Mobile US        +1           like regularly local numbers

               (Omnipoint, etc.    +1          (917-90, 914, 908, 201, 516)


VAE (Emirates)  Etisalat           +971         50


Zypern          CYTA               +357         9



Reihenfolge nach ITU-Vorwahl/Länderkennung



+233 Ghana

     28  cellular mobile (Celltel)


+228 Togo



+248 Seychellen

     7       mobile?


+255 Tanzania (includes Zanzibar)

     811 [6D]  cellular mobile


+256 Uganda

     75    cellular mobile [seit 1995]


+264 Namibia (former South-West Africa)

     81   cellular mobile (GSM, [7D] subscriber numbers)


+27  South Africa

     82     cellular

     83     cellular


+30  Greece Griechenland


      6 mobile (10.1.2002)


      9   (paging/mobile uses?)

      693  TeleStet cellular

      694  Vodafone GR (PanaFon)

      695  Vodafone GR (PanaFon)

      69.  CosmOTE


+31  Netherlands (Holland)

     Mobile numbers start with 6x

        60   reserved for mobile

        62   reserved for mobile

        63   reserved for mobile

        64   reserved for mobile

        65   Semaphones/GSM/mobile; +7 digits

        650  Vodafone .NL Libertel GSM mobile

        651  KPN (PTT Telecom) GSM mobile

        653  KPN (PTT Telecom) GSM mobile

        654  Vodafone .NL Libertel GSM mobile

        655  Vodafone .NL Libertel GSM mobile

        68   reserved for mobile

        69   reserved for mobile


+32  Belgium

        475..479 Proximus (Belgacom Mobile)

        484..486 Base (ex Orange)

        494..499 Mobistar


+33  France

        6   mobile numbers

        7   mobile numbers (seit 2010)

            Orange F (ex Itineris/France Telecom)

            Vodafone F (SFR)

            Bouygues F

            Free F


+34  Spain (including Balearic Islands)

     (Hinweis: Nach +34 folgt beim Mobilfunk *keine Neun*


        0  land mobile uses (local number format 81xxxxx or 86xxxxx)

        6  mobile

           Movistar (Telefonica.es)

           Vodafone.es (ex Airtel)



        9  fixed network users (9 for long distance is now part of the number!)


+350 Gibraltar

        [GSM mobile numbers: 8-digits beginning with 58 (ITU OB#583,585)]


+351 Portugal

        Mobile numbers starting with 9


+352 Luxemburg

        Mobile numbers 9 digits beginning with 6 (March 2007)

        (until March 2007 beginning with 0)

          621 (ex 021)

          628 (ex 028)

          661 (ex 061)

          668 (ex 068)

          691 (ex 091)

          698 (ex 098)


+353 Ireland (Eire)

        88  Eircell (GSM)

            Esat Digifone



+354 Iceland

       [85x xxxx]  war NMT-mobile (offline)   [was 985 xxxxx]

        89x xxxx   GSM mobile                 (was 989 xxxxx)


+357 Cyprus (ausser Türkische Enklave Nordzypern)

        9  mobile


+358 Finland

        40    mobile (Sonera, mobile rate)

        400   mobile (Sonera, old NMT numbers)

        403   voicemail (Sonera, for 400 mobile numbers)

        4040  ARP mobile (Sonera) ?

        4049  ARP mobile (Sonera) ?

        405   mobile (Sonera)

        407   mobile (Sonera)

        408   voicemail (Sonera, for 405 mobile numbers)

        41    mobile (Telia)

        42    mobile (Sonera)

        422   war NMT Ringo mobile (Sonera)

        424   corporate mobile (Sonera)

        427   voicemail (Sonera, for 407 mobile numbers)

        43    mobile (Finnet Group)

        46    mobile (Radiolinja)

        49    war NMT (Sonera)

        50    services Vodafone .fi (Radiolinja)

        500   war Radiolinja NMT

        501   Radiolinja, +358 50 1xxx)

        502   Radiolinja, +358 50 2xxx)

        503   Radiolinja, +358 50 3xx xxxx)

        505   GSM mobile (Radiolinja, +358 50 5xx xxxx)

        506   mobile (Radiolinja, +358 50 6xxxx)

        507   Voicemail Radiolinja, +358 50 7xxx xxxx)

        508   Fax/Data (Radiolinja, +358 50 8xxx xxxx)


+359 Bulgaria

        886   MobilTel

        887   MobilTel

        888   MobilTel

        889   MobilTel

        98    GloBul

        99    GloBul


+36  Hungary (Ungarn)

        20 7Digits      Pannon

        30 7Digits      T-Mobile hu

        70 7Digits      Vodafone hu


+370 Lithuania (Litauen)

        90 cellular mobile war NMT-450

        98 cellular mobile (GSM-2, 5D numbers (seit 9/1995)

        99 cellular mobile (GSM-1; 5D numbers)


+372 Estonia

        5  NMT (mobile)

        .. GSM


+380 Ukraine

        50    Ukrainian mobile Communications (UMC)

        ..    Kyivstar

        ..    Golden Telecom


+381 Srpska i Crna Gora (Serbia and Montenegro)

        63   Mobtel (Telekom Srbija)

        ..   Pro Monte

        ..   Monet

        69   Kosovo Mobile (evtl. nur/auch über Monaco)


+385 Croatia

        98   GSM mobile network

        99   cellular network


+386 Slovenia

        609  Mobitel (mobile phones)


+387 Bosnia and Hercegovina

        61    BiH Postal     - bosnian  (GSM-BiH)

        63    Eronet d.d.    - croatian (Eronet)

        65    Mobilna Srpska - serbian  (GSM-MS1)


+389 Macedonia (FYROM)

        70   MobiMak


+39 Italia

    [mobile code additions courtesy Alessandro Bottonelli

    (Hinweis: Nach +39 folgt bei Mobilfunk *keine Null*!)

        3.. mobile

        330 mobile (non-business customers)

        335 mobile

        336 mobile (business customers)

        337 mobile (business customers)

        349 mobile Omnitel


+40 Romania (Rumänien)

        72 7Digits     Vodafone (GSM/UMTS)

        74 7Digits     Orange (GSM/UMTS)

        76 7Digits     Cosmote (GSM/UMTS)

        78 7Digits     Zapp (CDMA) ??


+41 Schweiz (Switzerland)


Schweiz: Achtung Nummernportierung möglich!

Originäre Zuweisung:

   +41 76 [7D] Sunrise (diAx)

   +41 77 [7D] Swisscom Mobile Reseller

   +41 78 [7D] Salt (ex Orange Swiss)

   +41 79 [7D] Swisscom Mobile (NATEL)

   +41 86 ["0"+2D+7D] Voice-Mail of all mobile Operators


+421 Slovakia (Slowakei)

     901 [6D]  mobile - Eurotel NMT

     903 [6D]  mobile - T-Mobile.sk (ex Eurotel) GSM

     905 [6D]  mobile - orange.sk (ex Globtel) GSM

     913 [6D]  mobile - o2.sk (new!)


+423 Liechtenstein

     663    Riiing/United Mobile (Mobilkom LI/Mobilkom A)

     664    FL1/Mobilkom LI (Mobilkom A)

     7      FL1 (Mobilkom A)         

     7      Telecom FL (Swisscom CH)

     78     Montel (Orange CH) offline

     76     Tango LI (Tango LUX)


+43 Österreich


  +43 660 [7D]   Drei (3) (WCDMA2100)

  +43 663 [7D]   war "Mobilkom D" (ETACS analogue, offline)

  +43 664 [7D]   Mobilkom A1 (Telekom Austria)

  +43 676 [7D]   A-MAX (Max.mobil, T-Mobile Austria)

  +43 699 [8D]   ONE GmbH (vormals Connect Austria)

  +43 650 [7D]   tele.ring (zu T-Mobile)


+44 United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

     codes like 800 (within UK: 0800), 898 (domestically, 0898) and mobile,

     Achtung Nummernportierung!

+44 7xxx [6D]  Mobilfunk (mobile, paging, personal numbers)


      7 370    Vodafone "direct dial"/GSM]

        374    Vodafone (cellular/data)]

        378    Vodafone "direct dial"/mobile radio

        385    Vodafone GSM/data]

        390    Vodafone "Micro cellular Radio"

        401    Cellnet

        402    Cellnet

        408    Cellnet

        410    Cellnet

        411    Cellnet

        421    Vodafone (E-TACS)

        441    Vodafone (E-TACS)

        448    Guernsey Telecoms GSM

        4624   Manx Telecom GSM

        467    Vodafone cellular

        468    Vodafone GSM

        585    Cellnet

        589    Cellnet

      7 973    Orange


+45 Denmark (all numbers have +45 8D

        30  Old cellular mobile (NMT system offline)

        40  GSM mobile (TDC, Sonofon; based on 3rd digit)




      +4531 (ausser +4531311)








+46 Sverige (Schweden, Sweden)

        (all Numbers have +46 9D)

        10   NMT 900 and 450 (Telia; mobile numbers begin with 2 or 6 only)

        70x  (mobile services (GSM))

        705  Telia Mobitel (mobile)

        706  Telia Mobitel GSM (mobile)

        707  Comviq (mobile)

        708  Europolitan (mobile)





+47 Norge (Norwegen, Norway) (MNP)

        4   (mobile phones GSM/UMTS, but not +4742,+4743,+4744, +4749)

        9   (mobile phones GSM/UMTS)

        90  (mobile phones - NMT-450)

        92  (mobile)

        94  (mobile phones - NMT-450)


+48 Polska (Polen, Poland)

        45x xxx xxx

        50x xxx xxx (Idea / Orange)

        51x xxx xxx

        53x xxx xxx

        57x xxx xxx

        60x xxx xxx (ERA/T-Mobile, Plus/Polkomtel)

        66x xxx xxx

        69x xxx xxx

        72x xxx xxx

        73x xxx xxx

        78x xxx xxx

        79x xxx xxx

        88x xxx xxx


+49 Deutschland (Germany)  (MNP)


+49 150 5[7D] (war Group 3G/Quam GSM-MVNO "Quam" offline 15.11.2002)

+49 151 1[7D] Telekom (T-Mobile/D1)

+49 152 x[7D] Vodafone (D2) (x=0,2,3,5)

+49 152 1[7D] Lycamobile (MVNO)

+49 152 9[7D] Truphone (MVNO)

+49 155 [8D]  war geplant E-Plus/KPN (nie realisiert)

+49 156 6 [7D] (war Mobilcom Multimedia GSM offline 2.12.2002)

+49 15678 [6D] Satellite.me (virtual SIM Operator)

+49 157 x+[7D] Telefonica (ex E-Plus) (x=0,3,5,7,8)

+49 159 0[7D]   Telefonica o2 Germany

+49 160 [7D]   T-Mobile D1 (GSM)

+49 160 9+[7D] T-Mobile D1 (GSM)

+49 [161] [7D]  [offline, war DeTeMobil C-Tel analog]

+49 162 [7D]   Vodafone D2 (GSM)

+49 163 [7D]   Telefonica o2 (ex E-Plus)


+49 164 [7D]   e*message (Paging) (bisher Cityruf-Nurton, jetzt auch Numerik)

+49 165 [8D]   offline (war Paging: Miniruf "Quix")

+49 166 [8D]   offline (war Paging: DFR "TeLMI")

+49 167 [8D]   Trunking-Radio (Bündelfunk)

        2+[7D] "2" (war Dolphin Telecom)

+49 168 2+[6D] ... 9+[6D]) e*message (Paging) (Cityruf-Numerik, z.T. auch Nurton)

        0+[7D] e*message (Paging) z.Zt. nicht genutzt (war Scall-Config)

        1+[7D] e*message (Paging) z.Zt. nicht genutzt (war Scall-Calling)

+49 169 5+1D  e*message (Paging) Operator für Cityruf & Cityruf

+49 169 [7D]   e*message (Paging) Skyper, Cityruf (Anwahl)


+49 170 [7D]   T-Mobile D1 (GSM)

+49 171 [7D]   T-Mobile D1 (GSM)

+49 172 [7D]   Vodafone D2 (GSM)

+49 173 [7D]   Vodafone D2 (GSM)

+49 174 [7D]   Vodafone D2 (GSM)

+49 175 [7D]   T-Mobile D1 (GSM)

+49 176 [8D]   Telefonica o2 Germany (ex Viag Interkom) (GSM)

+49 177 [7D]   Telefonica (ex E-Plus)

+49 178 [7D]   Telefonica (ex E-Plus)

+49 179 [7D]   o2 Germany (ex Viag Interkom)


+504 Honduras

            935 Tegucigalpa (Central cellular mobile)


+51  Peru



+56  Chile

     9  cellular mobile


+57  Colombia (Kolumbien)

        48    Movil Roaming (Eda) [mobile?]


+595 Paraguay

     961 [6D] VOX (GSM 1900)

     971 [6D] Personal (TDMA)

     981 [6D] Telecel (analog)

     991 [6D] Porthable (Hutchison Telecom Paraguay, GSM 1900)


+61  Australia (Australien)

        07    NON cellular mobile phones (possibly no longer active)

        15    analogue mobile (?)

        18    mobile phones pseudo area code (?)

        4     [mobile services]

        40    GSM mobile service [7D]

        41    GSM mobile service [7D]

        42    GSM mobile service [7D]

        43    GSM mobile service [7D]


+62  Indonesia (Indonesien)

        82   cellular mobile (STKB-C, Jakarta-Bandung region; [6D]



+63  Philippines

        90    mobile (PLDT)

        912   mobile (Piltel)

        915   mobile (Islacom)

        917   mobile (Globe)

        918   mobile (Smart)

        973   mobile (Extelcom)


+64  New Zealand (Neuseeland)

     newer mobile/special service ranges established. Unless otherwise

        21    cellular mobile (Bellsouth GSM)

        25    mobile phones (Telecom - followed by 2xxxxxx, else xxxxxx)


+65  Singapore

        [1 September 1995, mobile numbers will become 8 digits

         (9 prepended to 7-digit mobile numbers).


+66  Thailand

        121 cellular mobile - Bangkok area

        131 cellular mobile - west of Bangkok area

        132 cellular mobile - east of Bangkok area

        141 cellular mobile - northeast area

        142 cellular mobile - east area

        151 cellular mobile - northern area

        152 cellular mobile - west area

        171 cellular mobile - far southern area

        172 cellular mobile - southern area


+670 Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of (CNMI, including Saipan)

        287 MTC (Micronesia Telephone Company) cellular [B-side]

        483 PacifiCom cellular (A-side)


+671 Guam

        482 GTA (Guam Telephone Authority) cellular

        687 Guam cellular

        688 Guam cellular

        864 TNI cellular


+673 Brunei Darussalam

        8  cellular mobile (81xxxx, 83xxxx)


+676 Tonga

        [8-digit numbers beginning with 1 are for cellular mobile]


+679 Fiji

        [6-digit numbers beginning with 90, 92 and 98 are

        for Vodafone mobile]


+7   Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan

        096    Moskva (Moskau), Russia cellular mobile MTS


+81  Japan

        3001  cellular mobile (NTT Kyushu)

        3002  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        3003  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai)

        3004  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        3006  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        3008  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        3009  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        301x  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        302x  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        303x  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        3041  cellular mobile (Digital TU-KA Kyushu)

        3043  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        3044  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        3045  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        3047  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        3048  cellular mobile (NTT Tokai mobile Communications Network)

        3049  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai)

        3050  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        3059  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        3064  cellular mobile (Tohoku cellular Telephone)

        3065  cellular mobile (Kansai cellular)

        3066  cellular mobile (Kyushu cellular)

        3067  cellular mobile (Kansai cellular)

        3068  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        3069  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        307x  cellular mobile (DDI cellular Group)

        3085  cellular mobile (Tu-Ka cellular Tokai)

        3086  cellular mobile (Tu-Ka Phone Kansai)

        3088  cellular mobile (Hokuriku)

        309x  cellular mobile (Digital Phone Group)

        3096  cellular mobile (Tokyo Digital Phone)

        3097  cellular mobile (Kansai Digital Phone)

        3098  cellular mobile (Tohoku)

        3099  cellular mobile (Kansai)

        4001  cellular mobile (NTT Kyushu)

        4002  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        4003  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai)

        4004  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        4006  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        4008  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        4009  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        401x  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        402x  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        403x  cellular mobile (NTT/DoCoMo)

        4041  cellular mobile (Digital TU-KA Kyushu)

        4043  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        4044  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        4045  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        4047  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        4048  cellular mobile (NTT Tokai mobile Communications Network)

        4049  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai)

        4050  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        4059  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        4064  cellular mobile (Tohoku cellular)

        4065  cellular mobile (Kansai cellular)

        4066  cellular mobile (Kyushu cellular)

        4067  cellular mobile (Kansai cellular)

        4068  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        4069  cellular mobile (Nippon Idou Tsushin)

        407x  cellular mobile (DDI cellular Group)

        4085  cellular mobile (Tu-Ka cellular Tokai)

        4086  cellular mobile (Tu-Ka Phone Kansai)

        4088  cellular mobile (Hokuriku)

        409x  cellular mobile (Digital Phone Group)

        4096  cellular mobile (Tokyo Digital Phone)

        4097  cellular mobile (Kansai Digital Phone)

        4098  cellular mobile (Tohoku)

        4099  cellular mobile (Kansai)

        80xx  cellular mobile services [assigned for Jan 1996 - ITU OB#612]

        8050  cellular mobile (Tokyo Digital)

        8052  cellular mobile (Kansai Digital)

        8053  cellular mobile (Kansai Digital)

        8054  cellular mobile (Tokai Digital)

        8060  cellular mobile (Digital TU-KA Chugoku)

        8061  cellular mobile (Digital TU-KA Chugoku)

        8080  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        8081  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        8082  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai mobile Communications Network)

        8083  cellular mobile (NTT Kyushu mobile Communications Network)

        8084  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        8090  cellular mobile (NTT Hokkaido mobile Communications Network)

        8091  cellular mobile (NTT Kyushu mobile Communications Network)

        8092  cellular mobile (NTT Tohoku mobile Communications Network)

        8093  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai mobile Communications Network)

        8094  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        8095  cellular mobile (NTT Tokai mobile Communications Network)

        8096  cellular mobile (NTT Hokuriku mobile Communications Network)

        8097  cellular mobile (NTT Shikoku mobile Communications Network)

        8098  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai mobile Communications Network)

        8099  cellular mobile (NTT Chugoku mobile Communications Network)

        90xx  cellular mobile services [assigned for Jan 1996 - ITU OB#612]

        9050  cellular mobile (Tokyo Digital)

        9052  cellular mobile (Kansai Digital)

        9053  cellular mobile (Kansai Digital)

        9054  cellular mobile (Tokai Digital)

        9060  cellular mobile (Digital TU-KA Chugoku)

        9061  cellular mobile (Digital TU-KA Chugoku)

        9080  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        9081  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        9082  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai mobile Communications Network)

        9083  cellular mobile (NTT Kyushu mobile Communications Network)

        9084  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        9090  cellular mobile (NTT Hokkaido mobile Communications Network)

        9091  cellular mobile (NTT Kyushu mobile Communications Network)

        9092  cellular mobile (NTT Tohoku mobile Communications Network)

        9093  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai mobile Communications Network)

        9094  cellular mobile (NTT mobile Communications Network)

        9095  cellular mobile (NTT Tokai mobile Communications Network)

        9096  cellular mobile (NTT Hokuriku mobile Communications Network)

        9097  cellular mobile (NTT Shikoku mobile Communications Network)

        9098  cellular mobile (NTT Kansai mobile Communications Network)

        9099  cellular mobile (NTT Chugoku mobile Communications Network)


852 Hong Kong

    keine Trennung (including existing 8-digit mobile numbers)


+86  China (People's Republic)

        130 China Unicom (GSM)

        131 China Unicom (GSM)

        132 China Unicom (GSM)

        133 China Unicom (CDMA)

        134 China Mobile (GSM)


        139 China Mobile (GSM)


+886 Taiwan (ROC)

        91. Chungwa (910, 911, 912, 919)

        92. Chungwa (921, 928)

        93. Chungwa (932, 933, 934, 937)

        963 Chungwa

        972 Chungwa

        988 Chungwa


+90  Turkyie (Türkei)

        505 Aycell

        53. Turkcell (532, 533, 535, 536)

        54. Telsim (542, 543, 544, 546)

        555 Aria


+92  Pakistan

        342   mobile


+961 Lebanon

        3 [7D]  mobile (GSM)

           FTML first digit from 2-5;

           LibanCell 6-9


+970 Palestine Authority


+971 United Arab Emirates

        50 mobile (Hatef Mutaharek)

        6xxxxxx (GSM)


+972 Israel

        50   cellular mobile [analog "Pelephone" - Bezeq/Motorola]

        52   cellular mobile [Cellcom - GSM ]



Weitere Informationen:




http://www.eto.dk (Europäische Telekommunikations Organisation)




Uwe Westermann <westermann@gmx.de>

Dank auch an Jürgen Kozlik



Alle Angaben _ohne Gewähr_, alle Preise inkl. Mehrwertsteuer


Hinweise: Diese Informationen finden sich aktuell im Internet nur noch unter folgender URL-Adresse:




(c) 1996-2020 - Mobilfunk-FAQ-Sammlung von Henning Gajek.

Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


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FAQ-Sammlung zusammengestellt von Henning Gajek

eMail     : mobilfaq@gajek.de

